Books, Books, and more Books...

We've been in the book collecting business! While we generally work with brand new items, books are a little different. As long as there isn't a bunch of writing and such inside used books are great. I myself love perusing a book sale and used book store. It's a little hard to see what's in this photo but I can tell you there is a stack of Purpose Driven Life books for the Schubert Missionary family to use in ministry; a used Rosetta Stone English software program for the Foster Missionary family to use for ministry (what a great deal this was!); a growing collection of A Beka grade 2 curriculum for the Flanagan Missionary family (thank you to Pastor Dennis and VLA!); reading books for the Page Missionary family and Gryskiewicz Missionary family; in the very corner is a collection of baby bottles, baby blankets, books, and other misc. items going to Zambia; there's a stack of educational software we are collecting for the Gardner Missionary family to use in ministry; there's another stack of books that we are collecting to send to a Missionary who teaches school and would like to build a small library for her students; there may be more to this picture but that's all my brain can remember at the moment!
