New Friends from God's Big Backyard!

These are some new friends of God's Share Program! During their VBS (theme: God's Big Backyard) they are learning to serve family, friends, neighbors, community, and Jesus! Since GSP is located in "their backyard", they invited me to come and share with them about the ministry of God's Share Program.
I've been telling them how GSP's family is made up of Missionary families that we serve. I've introduced them to some Missionary friends of mine, and tonight (Wed.) I'll be introducing them to all my neighbors who make GSP what it is today by helping me serve Missionaries, Thursday I'll introduce them to some of the communities served by the Missionaries, and Friday I'll tell them how GSP is my way of serving Jesus and how GSP was planted as a small seed in my heart when I was their age!
My new friends are using their VBS offering money to help with our saxophone/drum project for Missionaries to the Domincan Republic! I am honored to spend time with my new friends in God's Big Backyard!
