Refugee Crisis - Looking for a way to help...?

A question I have been asked a lot recently is "Are you helping with the refugee crisis?". While the refugee crisis may be 'new' to us as we watch the news and see the mass exodus of people fleeing for the hope of a better quality of life - the refugee crisis is not new to our missionaries. Over the last couple years we have been sending resources to missionaries in Spain and Austria. Missionaries there have been helping refugees and ministering to them as they seek asylum from human trafficking, poverty and war. Many missionaries are currently working closely with the refugee camps that are near them. They are providing clothing; toiletries; winter hats, scarves & gloves and so on. While meeting these most basic of needs the missionaries are also provided a great opportunity to share with the refugees about Jesus Christ. We have a few items in our inventory that will help meet some of these needs so we will be shipping out a box or two yet this week. If you have a desire to help with the refugee crisis and have not yet found an opportunity, well - here ya go! Check out the list below. You can donate the actual items or send a financial gift to help us purchase the items and/or cover shipping costs. Please designate RC15 with your financial gift.

Needs List:
Winter Scarves, Hats, Gloves
Toiletries (smaller bottles are better for shipping)
Undergarments for men, women and children (think smaller sizes)
Men's Shoes

Generally we send new items however in this situation with the number of people in need - 'like new" would be acceptable, except in the case of undergarments.....)
