Items Needed for our Native American Children Christmas Stocking Project:
Items must be new...
Items Needed by End of September 2016
New totals as of 8/29/2016

  1. Toothbrush - 0
  2. Toothpaste - 35 Girls
  3. Toothpaste - 0 Boys
  4. Ponytail Holders - 0
  5. Small doll or Stuffed Animal - 5 Girls
  6. Winter Gloves - 27 Girls
  7. Girls Socks - 24 pair or pkg Girls
  8. Pens - 50 Girls
  9. Pencils - 9 Girls
  10. Notepads - 12 Girls
  11. Small Toy - 0
  12. Activity Book - 7 Girls
  13. Sidewalk Chalk - 0
  14. Punch Balls - 0
  15. Marbles or Other Small Toy/Game - 5 Boys
  16. Small Sports Balls - 0
  17. Puzzles - 47 Boys
  18. Socks - 24 Pair or Pkg Boys
  19. Ink Pens - 50 Boys
  20. Notepads - 10 Boys
  21. Stickers- 34 Boys
  22. Bible - 41 Boys
  23. Activity Book - 50
