Really the cost to ship items is priceless. While money is not the focus it takes money to do ministry. As most Missionaries work extrememly hard to raise their own financial support we want to do what we can at God's Share Program to help make their budgets stretch. So we provide toiletries and over the counter remedies. We also take special requests from Missionaries. If they physically can't get an item where they are at or it is just too expensive then we do our best to provide that item. Sometimes a supporter will contact us about an item to see if any of the Missionaries can use it like an e-mail I received a few weeks back wanting to know if any of the Missionary families could use a set of brand new professional style hair clippers. Long story short we had 9 sets donated and 9 Missionary families who needed them! I had responses from the Missionaries that said "our current set won't cut butter when it's hot", "we cut all our own hair and our set is worn out", "I know a national Pastor's wife who wants to start a hair salon as a way to evangelize".... Who would have thunk it??? You know, when it gets right down to it what most of us say we don't have enough of is "time". So even if the financial cost is great to send a package to a Missionary family, but by us providing the items in that package we have saved the Missionary "time" and energy for ministry then whatever the dollar figure it is worth it.