Resources Supplied to Missionaries Provides Multiple Blessings!
“Yesterday, Rex and I did a project with children's church using the construction paper, glue, etc. that you sent to us. The kid's loved it! They made get-well cards for us to take to the hospital this week, and the lesson was Matthew 25 when Jesus said "what you do for the least of these, you do for me". After we finished, we realized that we were doing a very cool mission, but we didn't let the kids take their project home. So, we get to do it again next Sunday. You sent enough supplies for us to do more than one project!! The children will be so excited to get to do it again!!! Thank you for all that you do to help us here. We were amazed to see the children do a craft project, because most of them had never done anything like it before! Rex and I were thinking that our children in America know how to do these things by the age of five, and these kids, even at 10 and 12, didn't even know how. Not only the children are blessed, but now we have the great opportunity to bless patients in the hospital. Thank you sooo much!!”
Easter Care Package Meets ‘Unknown’ Ministry Need
“Greetings from M______. Just wanted to say thank you for the Easter surprise we recd in the mail! I have already used all the white sacks...they arrived at the perfect time, as I had wanted to make little gifts sacks for all the kids...they were perfect. I filled them with an apple, orange, and candies and gave them out Easter Sunday. Thanks for making it possible! Thanks so much for thinking of us.”
Water Level Rises...
We have received the basis of what we need in individual bottled waters, however, any additional donations will ensure that all water needs will be met should there be an increase in number of Special Touch retreat attendees - which we hope there are! Thank You to those who have supplied!
Let’s Energize Our Missionaries
We can energize missionaries by supplying the resources they need to minister to the people of their mission field. That’s one of the unique things many have commented they like about God’s Share Program. We provide people the opportunities to give the actual item that will make it into the hands of someone in another part of the world. In the process of receiving the “material” object, the recipient is shown the love of Jesus and introduced to their Savior through our missionaries! Speaking of immediate need is D cell batteries. Along with that we need construction paper, paper plates, stickers, cloth diapers, coloring books, chalk, onsies for new-born and up, and spiral bound wide rule notebooks. These are resources the missionaries cannot get where they are and we are out of stock of these items. In the U.S., we have these items in abundance. Let’s collect it and ship it over. Just a reminder…drop box available at our office, we will shop for you just include a note with your financial gift stating which project you desire to help with, checks made payable to God’s Share Program are tax deductible along with debit/credit card giving at our and via facebook. . At God’s Share Program our goal is to exceed the expectations of missionaries...we are looking for new items. Thank You!
This picture represents resources awaiting shipment to missionaries that need them. We’ll be sending information soon in regards to cost and country.