Today's shipments are going to Zambia and Japan.
Japan's shipment includes items used for ministry in a coffee house type environment. These supplies include K cups, cookie & cake mixes and frosting. Okay to be "real" I have to say that most often folks don't question the supplies we send. But every once in awhile I get a raised eyebrow at item(s) we advertise that we are collecting. Part of our vision here at God's Share Program is to help educate people on what the needs are in various parts of the world and why. The missionary in Japan explains that "culturally in Japan coffee shops have very high standards so in order to keep their Japanese guests coming, we try our best to operate on the same cultural expected standards." In their Gathering Outreach where the K cups are used for the coffee house atmosphere, relationships are built and guests are introduced to Jesus. The Japanese people have time to fellowship and grow together in their Christian walk. So over a "K-cup" a life is changed and living forever is in their future! So if you find yourself with some extra K-cups especially Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee or Eight O'Clock Hazelnut we will gladly accept those as a donation to send to Japan. While every person who reads this may not be "on board" with this type of evangelism we have to appreciate the fact that the missionaries who serve in cultures so diverse from our own have their "boots on the ground". It is their job as called by God to find the best means and methods for reaching people with the Gospel message. It is okay to ask questions and educate ourselves as to the why. We all have to be sure that we are being good stewards of the funds that God has given us. But it is not our job to judge another persons ministry. And it's unfathomable to do so if one hasn't taken time to understand the ministry, walked in that person's shoes under the same calling, on the same land and within that culture.
Zambia's shipment contains 46 more brand new pencil bags for a pre-school. We sent over several boxes of supplies, mainly school supplies via boat in March. Those supplies are just now reaching Zambia and will be in the hands of the missionaries within the next couple weeks. The boat shipment contained supplies for 3 different schools in Zambia. The one item we didn't have enough of to meet the needs was pencil bags. The missionary in Zambia does a lot of ministry in women's prisons. Most often, women sent to prison in Zambia must take their children with them to the prison to live. So one of the schools we provided supplies for is an Officer's Preschool at a prison. The missionary is under the impression that she is the only one reaching out to this school at this time. Now we at God's Share Program are helping her to help them. Imagine being of pre-school age, living in prison and having nothing to store a few small belongings in like a pencil, pencil sharpener and erasers. (Items we most typically supply.) Through these basic needs being met, these pre-schoolers are going to experience the love of God. Through our missionary friend they will be introduced to Jesus and therefore have "forever in their future".