It's official! We are ready to launch.........
The Missions Experience Home Party!
Want to host a party? This is no ordinary party! This is a party where you gather with your friends, family, church family, work colleagues - whomever you want to invite - together you will learn about a specific need on the mission field and work together to met that need! Here's how it works.....
Pick the date for your party, find a project for that month out of our Missions Experience Project Catalog, pick your venue then give us a list of all the folks you want to invite. We will print your invitations and provide a list of items needed. You mail out your invitations. You do the deocorating - we can help with suggestions if needed. It can be formal or casual, big group or small. The goal is for you and your party group to collect and bring to the party the items needed for the project or you can choose to get the facts at the party and make a deadline for a collection date after the party. For those of you in Florida, Kim will come and share about the project. If you are outside of Florida we can still make this work! Call, comment or message if you are interested!