Well it's official, we are going to have to take more drastic steps to care for our roof. The drains are higher than most of the roof surface. This leads to ponding water. All that water up on our roof is just not a good thing. To let this continue on could mean a collapsed roof which is totally unacceptable. We want to be good stewards of the building God has blessed us with. We are getting estimates. The most favorable option right now is having a metal roof put on. The contractor would form a peak down the middle of the roof so that water would drain off the front and back of the building. We would also have to have additional gutter systems installed. We are more than likely looking at a $10,000 price tag. If God should put upon your heart to help us obtain this new roof system we will use donations noted with Roof2016 for this project. Not only would we have a new roof, I would have more time to focus on missions projects as I won't be up on the roof sweeping off the lake of water. We need to get this roof done before the Florida rainy season so time is of the essence. The contractor is booked a month out so we would be looking at some time in May.