Where have all the Winter Months Gone....

Looking back it's been months since we have updated our blog. Below are a few photos representing what we have been up to during that time. 
  • stuffed and shipped 100 Christmas stockings for Native American children
  • Sent supplies to Africa for Christmas outreach
  • sent supplies to Austria for refugees
  • supplied 4 complete flannelgraph sets to Thailand, Africa, Ecuador and Spain
  • picked up truckload after trailer load of donations for our North Ave Thrift Store
  • took advantage of many clearance sales at various stores in two separate counties to be able to supply socks and underwear for missionaries to distribute to so many children in need
  • put a shipment of supplies for an orphanage on a boat headed for Zambia
  • added a couple new missionary families to our program
  • did some extra shopping for a local US based missionary family for Christmas who needed a little extra encouragement
  • provided ministry supplies to missionaries in Belgium for a new creative type Church plant- they are winning people to Jesus through the use of Board Games!
  • held several 80% off sales at our North Ave Thrift Store to pass on the blessing of the the abundance of donations we have received
  • shopped for supplies for Christmas care packages for missionaries
  • packed and shipped Christmas care packages
  • received shipments for missionaries in the Philippines and then covered the international shipping to get those items to them in country
  • shopped for ministry supplies missionaries need for upcoming training and encouragement conferences for MKs, PKs, nationals they have trained as Pastors and Pastor's wives 
well you get the idea.... it's been busy! Next I will be updating our project and current needs list. We have lots to do in this upcoming year! Our big maintenance issues like roof, A/Cs and a truck are out of the way so let's do up our missions projects bigger and better than ever!


Ethel said…
That is fantastic Kim.!! The Lord keeps pouring it in so you can keep shipping it out !!