When God says, Go!, we go! Sometimes "going" is across the street, across the nation or across the pond.
On July 25th in my Sunday morning Bible reading, I felt God impress upon my heart that Donald and I needed to "Go!". We had some opportunities presented to us, to travel within the United States. With the responsibilities of the thrift store and the 'comfortable' surroundings of staying near home especially with everything that is currently taking place in our world, it was easy to say, 'no'. But God said "Go!".
So Monday morning the 26th I made a couple phone calls. By Monday afternoon we had our 1st trip booked. By Wednesday the 28th our second trip was booked. These are small trips. Mostly long weekend trips carrying in supplies to missionaries or other fellow Christians who are also serving missionaries. The goal as always is seeing people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through meeting basic needs.
In "going", opportunities often "find" us. On our 1st trip, a Bible Warehouse billboard caught our eye. They were closed by the time we got there. When we were not able to follow through with OUR plans for the next morning due to weather, we headed the opposite direction where the sun (hmm, SON) was shining, which of course was where the Bible Warehouse was located. This provided us with a longer time frame to peruse inventory, make our selections and pack our truck with new greatly reduced in price children's Bibles and children's faith based books teaching about Bible scriptures, even a child's Bible dictionary! This warehouse is a great resource that I believe we will make much use of in days to come. It is just over the State line in GA. I am excited to think that with each trip we take, more and more of these opportunities will find us so that we find great deals on needed supplies. I believe we will always make the most of each opportunity and never return "empty". Currently we are buying and packing up supplies for our next trip which will be to Alabama. We are in the midst of planning trips to Michigan and Jacksonville, FL. What destinations we will travel to after that, only God knows. Who knows whether we will always carry in supplies or if God will open up other opportunities of ministry as well. What I do know, is that when God, says "Go", we must indeed, go. We must trust Him to direct our steps and make our paths straight.